Thursday 31 July 2008

Nutritional information and Your Child!

Most families have a hard time trying to figure out what they should be eating and what might be skipped. The problem is that most of the nutritional information out there is too hard for someone to understand. This, along with the need to save time, makes many family susceptible to making the wrong choices when it comes to food.

If you see the numbers of harried moms in the drive thru line at your local fast food joint, you know what I mean. They know it’s not right, but they may have no idea how bad it really is for their children.

You should always know the nutritional information about anything you are eating. If you eat often at a certain restaurant, you should look online to see if you can find out more about what you like to have. You might be shocked to see the calories and fat grams in a simple fast food hamburger.

The same hamburger made at home will probably have half of what that one has. It is partially about ingredients, and it is also a bit about how they prepare the meals. Many of these places have been put under pressure to release nutritional information, and this is making some more aware of what they are eating.

The same can be said for the foods that we buy in the grocery store. Many of the things listed with nutritional information is not what it might seem. You can see the word “juice” on a bottle of drinks, but you don’t know if that is really juice until you have read the nutritional information on the back of the bottle.

Many times you can pick up these bottles to find that they only contain about ten percent fruit juice, and the rest of it is water and sugar. The worst aspect is that most of the nutritional informations are written in small letters just to deceive you. This is not what you want to see when you are looking for real juice.

Nutritional information is very important when you are dieting, or when there may be foods that are bothering your children. There are many preservatives that are questionable in nature, and there are some that believe these might contribute to some strange behaviors in kids.

I don’t know if this is true or not, but you don’t know what is in something until you learn to decipher nutritional information. You may find some common things online, and it is a good idea to study up so you know what you are buying the next time you go to the store. You can not afford to gamble with your children health. Happy reading!


Different Ways to Improve Your Memory

Ever since I entered college, I have been obsessed with improving memory. You see, I am pretty intelligent, but my memory has never matched my other intellectual skills. Normally, as soon as I finish studying for a test, I forget the information.

If I am determined enough, I can keep it in to my mind for as long as it takes to pass the exam, but for no longer. Unfortunately, in college there is much more material to memorize than there ever was before.

I barely made it through my first semester because I kept forgetting facts. I feared that if I didn't find a way to improve memory, I would probably fail a few classes. That was definitely something I did not want to do.

There are all kinds of different ways to improve your memory – so many that it is hard to remember all of them! Basically, they all break down into a few simple categories. You can improve memory through supplements, through mental exercises, and through self hypnosis.

Many people start with supplements because they promise to improve memory with no work on your part. Unfortunately, they rarely deliver. I know that I was unable to improve my memory by taking these pills. All I did was waste money that I could have spent on memory improvement books.

Those books were quite a bit more successful. Although they take a long time to improve memory, they do eventually work. They have a lot of interesting techniques in them based on the way that memory works.

If you can list things in different ways in your head, you can take advantage of the way that memory tends to group multiple pieces of data together. For example, if you can remember facts in chunks of three or four together, you can fit much more into your brain at once. The techniques are explained in simple ways that allow you to practice them over and over again until you get them right. Although these books don't deliver on improving your memory overnight like they say they will, they still do help in the long run.

Of course, the most novel way to improve working memory is through self hypnosis. A lot of companies sell hypnosis tapes they claim will help you improve memory by reprogramming your brain To function in a more efficient way.

This is almost entirely nonsense. Although in theory hypnosis works, in practice you would be much better to work on improving short term memory through exercises. Watch this space as I will conclude on this article....
